
FineELEC (30 päeva tasuta prooviversioon)

Algne hind oli: 720.00 €.Current price is: 0.00 €. +22% KM


FineELEC – nutikas töövahend elektriprojekteerijale

Joonised + arvutused



Toote kirjeldus

FineELEC ühendab joonestamise ja arvutamise ühtsesse keskkonda (Fully INtegrated Environment – FINE), koostades kõik vajalikud arvutused elektripaigaldistele otse jooniste koostamise keskkonnas, ning genereerides vajalikud tulemused – arvutustabelid, tehnilised raportid, materjalide koguste loetelud ja -maksumused, samuti lõplikud joonised (sh plaanid, skeemid, detailid) omavahel kooskõlas.

FineELEC koosneb kahest põhimoodulist, mis on omavahel seotud ja toimivad üheskoos:

• CAD moodul, võimekas autonoomne tööriist (4MCAD), sisaldab cad töökeskkonda paigaldiste joonestamiseks ja spetsiaalset süsteemi lõplike jooniste koostamiseks (korruste plaanid, süsteemide skeemid, kilpide skeemid jms).

•Arvutusmoodul, põhjalik arvutuskeskkond, kasutades tabelarvutuse laadset funktsionaalsust ja rikkalikku metodoloogilist tagapõhja. See võimaldab koostada kõik võrgu arvutustulemused ja perfektselt esitleda ja dokumenteerida arvutustulemused.

Põhjalik CAD töökeskkond

FineELEC has an advanced CAD interface for designing any electrical installation in two simple steps:

•Location of the Installation components on the ground plan (panels, receptors, appliances, lights, switches etc)

•Cable Drawing design (auto-routing) with simple or more sophisticated commands (i.e. “Cables Parallel to Wall, automatically connected to the receptors” command) that speed up the process. Screen 1 The view plan can be in any DWG or DXF file format or even taken from a scanner (bitmap file). Also the Architectural plan can be drawn from scratch through the AutoBLD (Architectural) commands of the package.

Täielikud arvutustulemused otse joonistelt

The calculations Component is automatically updated from the installation drawings through the AutoNET group of commands. The network is recognised and transferred into the calculation sheet, where it is immediately calculated. Calculations are based on a rich Methodological background, adopting International and European standards.

All the components of the installation (cables, protection devices etc) are calculated in detail, taking into account any relative parameter (ambient temperature, cable installation method and means etc). Intermediate calculation results (e.g. permissible current in each line, voltage drops etc) are also presented. Optimization routines (such as sutomatic phases allocation) and control procedures (such as short circuit controls etc) are also accomplished. In addition the program produces the bill of materials, and a series of technical descriptions. All the results are shown in the calculations output and are completely documented.

Automaatne projektijooniste vormistamine

All project drawing are automatically created in a final form:

Panels: They include all the information and can be edited by the user.

Block Diagram: Shows the distribution diagram of the whole installation.

Plan Drawings: Fully updated according to the calculation results.

All the drawing can be edited and enriched, using the special utilities and the symbol libraries which are open to the user.

5 + 1 põhjust töötamiseks tarkvaraga FINE-ELEC

• Global Design based on Object Oriented Programming (OOP) philosophy, Implemented with the most advanced tools (C++) and a long-range software engineering technology.

• Autonomous CAD (including 4MCAD along with its user license) providing full independency from other CAD environments, but keeping the most popular CAD standards and open dwg communication.

• Work on real 3D model of the project (building plus electrical network) from the beginning to the end. Unlimited freedom to create and modify, through parametric dialog boxes, due to the object structure of the whole information.

• Seamless Integration between the CAD Component and the Electrical Calculation Component and Interactive Communication between drawings and spreadsheets.

• Calculation environment based on a rich and reliable methodological background, adopting the most modern techniques and standards. Results completely documented and perfectly presented.

• 4M-Suite Supports the close cooperation between the Electrical Engineer and the Architect, Civil Engineer and Mechanical Engineer, during all the stages of the Building Design process

Allalaaditav versioon. Kasutamiseks Windows operatsioonisüsteemiga.


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